
North Korea Attacks! Cybersecurity Notes for Small Enterprises


Today’s announcement by the FBI marks an historic event – the age of state-sponsored cyberwarfare against Americans on American soil has officially begun. Admittedly it is a little scary, with the uncertainty of what our government will do in response, and what might be done by a North Korean counterattack.

Maintaining your organization’s cybersecurity isn’t much different than maintaining your personal physical security. You never know when an attack will happen, and you’re never quite sure if you’ve done enough to protect your family and your assets. All you can really do is take measures that are considered “best practices,” which in the case of an urban dweller might be getting steel bars on windows, double-bolted doors and use a monitoring service.

What can you do to secure your computers and information? For small-to-medium-sized enterprises there are few IT best practices that will get your security up to a world class security solution.

Take extra precautions if you become a target. If you run a public organization, and you somehow become highly visible and have a PR problem, then you need to take extra precautions against cyberattack. In that case you should call an IT specialist and telecom expert like Telnexus to have us come in and do a physical and IT security audit on your network. We can check your desktops, servers and routers as well as analyze your enterprise from an IT threat perspective.