On July 29, 2016 Microsoft will end their year-long program for free Windows 10 Upgrade. If you haven’t taken advantage of the upgrade offer yet, Telnexus definitely recommends you consider it. After July 29 you’ll need to pay for an upgrade.

Now’s the time for your Windows 10 upgrade!
Now is the Time!
If you are a little anxious about doing the upgrades yourself, then we are ready to help. Contact us at info@telnexus.com or (510) 859-7000 to schedule an evaluation.
If you’re wondering why you should do the Windows 10 upgrade, there is a simple motivation: Security. Windows 7 and 8 are still supported platforms by Microsoft, but they have considerably weaker security than Windows 10. If you have a pure Windows 10 network, then you may safely rely on Microsoft security services to protect your PC. Any lesser version of Windows absolutely requires a supplemental anti-malware service like Bitdefender.
Besides security, there are other advantages as well:
- Overall better performance. Windows 10 executes faster, takes better advantage of solid state disk drives (SSDs), and requires less physical memory.
- Best compatibility with newer hardware. If you’ve got a PC or laptop that’s less than a year old and it is running Windows 8, then you might be missing out of some features of your hardware like Windows Hello or SSD optimization.
- The Start Menu. Unlike the jarring, full-screen nightmare that was Windows 8, Microsoft has combined the Start menu from Windows 7 with some nice customization and interactivity features.
- More Touch Friendly. While Windows 8 tried to introduce users to touch features, Windows 10 completes the journey by working with Microsoft Office to give you touch targets you can use with your fingers.
- Virtual Desktops. Ever wish you had another screen for your PC, but there isn’t enough room on your desk? Virtual Desktops helps with the need to organize a lot of windows on your screen by expanding the size of your desktop, allowing you to flip between sets of windows.
Aren’t they spying on me with the Windows 10 Upgrade?
One thing not to like about Windows 10 is how it plays loose with your privacy to get you more information. That issue can be addressed by correctly setting your privacy and Cortana settings. See this PC World article for more information on what Windows 10 is trying to find out about you, and how you can stop any intrusions.
There are more features worth considering, like Cortana (Microsoft’s answer to Siri), and others. For more information on Windows 10 check out this PC Magazine article on the Top 10 Reasons to upgrade. To find out what happens after July 29 when upgrades will cost $99 and up, check out this ZD Net article on the July 29 Windows 10 deadline.
Get Some Telnexus Help
So, don’t dawdle! Get busy with those upgrades or call Telnexus at (510) 859-7000 or email us at info@telnexus.com to get one of our expert technicians over to supervise the process and ensure nothing goes wrong.